Daily duties of Licensed Practical Nurse varies from setting to setting. In general LPN will work under supervision of a Registered Nurse (RN) and will have those duties in all settings:
- maintain safe and healthy environment in facility for all patients;
- maintain health records;
- record progress and maintenance of care to assigned patients;
- work in cooperation with other facility personal;
- perform other duties assigned by RN.
In addition to this,
in Hospital setting:
- record observation of patients and their responses to nursing care;
- administer and record medications and treatments;
- prepare patients for diagnostic tests/procedures;
- assist with diagnostic tests/procedures;
- observe and report vital signs and symptoms of assigned patients;
- recognize emergency situations and function effectively;
In Nursing Home setting:
- direct and indirect provision of care according to each resident’s nursing and medical plan of care;
- coordinate care delivery with physicians and physician extenders;
- provide residents and families with the greatest respect and dignity in an effort to enhance the quality of their lives;
In School setting:
- provide direct health services to students according to their plans;
- provide appropriate care to medically fragile students to and from school and throughout the school day;
- attending the student’s Health Plan development meetings;
- administering basic and minor first aid as needed.